Development of innovative multilevel formation programs for the new water leading professionals in SouthEast Asia
Water Resources
Water Resources Management is key for the economy of a country, but represents a major challenge that has social, economic, and political implications involving several public and private agents with distinct interests. This is critical for ASIAN COUNTRIES, with huge demographic pressure and vast environmental diversity and wealth, water problems related to safe drinking water supply and sanitation, water scarcity, severe droughts and floods, deforestation, and threats to biodiversity, etc. that will increase due to climate change predictions. New WATER PROFESSIONALS are required to face these water challenges in collaboration with other disciplines, that are able to communicate effectively with all the agents and stakeholders involved.
Main Goal
INOWASIA pretends to train this new generation of young Southeast Asian water professionals with a strong and multidisciplinary background in sustainable water management, with a global view of the sector current and future challenges but with a specific approach to the local demands, and the required soft skills to join and lead the water sector market.

Strong Consortium
INOWASIA promotes the joint action of 11 organisations (non-profit, business, education institutions) across 5 countries (Spain, France, Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia) and 14 associated partners, who will carry out a cross-disciplinary, bottom-up process leading to the production of innovative products and teaching learning methods, targeting school communities with various needs.
Main Objectives

Water Formation
INOWASIA aims to develop basic and advanced water courses and implement them in the existing master’s degrees and PhD programs in Higher Education Institutions from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

Promoting Learning Methodologies
INOWASIA pretends to train students and teachers, and promote the implementation of innovative hybrid methods, combining on-line formation with problem-based learning, a student-centred educational methodology that promotes the development of personal abilities and skills

Water-Oriented Living Labs
INOWASIA will design Water Oriented Living Labs in the campus of each Higher Education Institutions from our Southeast Asia partners to implement real-life water demo sites and create a multi-stakeholder virtual network.

Foster Entrepreneur
INOWASIA aims to foster entrepreneur and business culture among the students and future young water professionals through field trips, short visits to success cases among local initiatives, and long stay internships in water companies and administrations.

International Network
INOWASIA pretends to create an international multilevel network of students, academics, professionals, and stakeholders in the field of water resources to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration to find new and creative solutions to water challenges.
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