Empowering Water Professionals in Southeast Asia: INOWASIA'S Impact

The development of innovative multilevel formation programs for water professionals in Southeast Asia has been a significant endeavor undertaken by the INOWASIA project. From its inception in January 2021 to its current state in December 2023, INOWASIA has been dedicated to empowering a new generation of water professionals in the region.


First, let's recap what the INOWASIA project is all about.
INOWASIA has set out to accompany innovative educational programs within SEA HEIs, to create online courses platform, 6 water-related living labs (WOLLs) and an international committee of academic and professional water-related institutions and companies (APC), to finance internships and materials. All of the above will equip future water professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to address difficult water-related challenges all around the world.


As the project reaches its completion, it's crucial to highlight the achievements and milestones that INOWASIA has reached. Some of the key accomplishments include:


  • INOWASIA has successfully developed a modular curriculum that aligns with the specific needs of the This curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and practical understanding of water management.
  • The project initiated the accreditation procedures, setting the stage for the

recognition of the innovative programs      it has developed (PBL, NBS expertise).

  • Teacher Training: Academic teacher training and mobility programs have been launched to ensure that educators are equipped to deliver the curriculum
  • Student Mobility: INOWASIA is facilitating student internships and adjacent modules for master's theses, offering students practical experience in the
  • e-Learning courses platform
  • The project's dissemination efforts have been successful in raising awareness and garnering support from the academic and professional,

The IOWASIA Platform, WOLLs & e-learning courses development:

INOWASIA recognizes the importance of not only delivering courses but also providing a platform for effective learning. The project has designed an innovative educational platform that facilitates the delivery of content, collaboration among students and educators, and access to a wealth of resources. This platform aims to make the learning experience engaging and interactive, ensuring that students are well-prepared to face real-world water challenges. Make sure to check out the INOWASIA platform!

To bridge the gap between theory and practice, INOWASIA has introduced the concept of "Water-Oriented Living Labs' (WOLLS). These living labs provide students with hands-on experience in water management, allowing them to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. The labs are located within the higher education institutions in the region, and they serve as practical training grounds where students can work on actual water projects.

The INOWASIA APC to engage HEIs and Private Companies together : INOWASIA has created the Academic and Professional Committee (APC) to promote the relationship between HEIs and Private Companies within the education programs. More than 50 members are enrolled.


The INOWASIA APC to engage HEIs and Private Companies together:

INOWASIA has created the Academic and Professional Committee (APC) to promote the relationship between HEIs and Private Companies within the education programs. More than 50 members are enrolled to design innovative demand for research and development, to create internships and an international network to promote water-related jobs in SEA.

Impact on Water Management in Southeast Asia:

The impact of the INOWASIA project extends far beyond its individual achievements. It has the potential to transform the landscape of water management in Southeast Asia. Byempowering the next generation of water professionals with advanced knowledge and practical skills, the project contributes to enhanced academic collaboration, and has fostered collaboration among partner institutions, creating a network of expertise that will continue to benefit the region through technical, environmental, economical and social considerations to acheive the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The skills and knowledge imparted by INOWASIA's programs will enable graduates to take on the complex challenges related to water quality, scarcity, and distribution.

As the INOWASIA project is coming to an end, it leaves behind a trail of achievements and a promising outlook for the future of water management in Southeast Asia. By empowering professionals with knowledge and practical skills, it has laid the foundation for sustainable water management in the region. The journey continues, and the impact grows as more water professionals benefit from the innovative programs developed by INOWASIA!

INOWASIA is an Erasmus + Capacity Building Higher Education project that promotes a joint action of 11 organisations across 5 countries (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, France and Spain) to train a new generation of water professionals in Southeast Asia. More info

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 619225-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

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