Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (UT3)


Magali Gerino
Full 1st Class Professor since 2016 at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier in the field of general ecology, environmental sciences, biodiversity and natural waters conservation, aquatic ecology, pollution and nature-based solutions. Dean of the Scientific council for Nature management in Occitanie county. Many research and teaching projects. In charge of the Master of Ecology at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier from 2012 to 2016.
- International Research Convergence Award 2018: Zero exclusion, Zero carbon, Zero poverty
- Author of 54 Peer-reviewed publications
- Number of citations: 1267; h-index: 22
- 6 book chapters and Invited to 16 conferences.
- Communications: 59 international congress

PhD in Ecology and Geosciences, currently holds a position of Research Assistant in the Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment (EcoLab), part of the CNRS and the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier. He focuses his research on mangrove ecology, the carbon cycle and the impacts of climate change on this ecosystem. He has a strong field expertise in mangrove forest and soil structures analysis and for the design of field experiments in mangroves. He is an expert in the analysis of remote sensing data using numerical modelling and Geographical Information Systems. He teaches for more than 10 years in various courses at Master degree.
- Leader of the 2020 CNRS summer school “Mangrove(s)”, French Guiana.
- Task coordinator in the CNRS research network on mangroves LiGA (2018-2022).
- Authored 13 peer-reviewed publications since 2012 and 4 book chapters.
- Authored 11 communications in international congresses.
- Number of citations: 169; h-index: 7

Angela MOCA LICCIARDI is graduated in Business and Management by the University Toulouse I Capitole. With more than 15 years of experience in European projects engineering and management acquired overs several private and public institutions, her current responsibilities within the International Projects Department of University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier are: management of the International Projects Department; preparing and formalizing new proposals for application to the EU calls; coordination, management and implementation of the funded projects.

European Project Manager of INOW Asia for the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier in the Department of European and International Relations and Cooperation. She also is in charge of managing an Interreg Sudoe project called Transnet (Living Labs, for an ecological transition through the integration and interconnexion of complex heterogeneous grids). She has a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Energy Economics and previously worked in the wood-energy field in the High-Pyrenees.

Rahim Kacimi has been an Associate Professor at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier since September 2010. He also works with the "Real-Time in Networks and Systems" research group of the IRIT-CNRS Laboratory. Rahim Kacimi received the M.Sc. degree in Networks and Computer Systems from the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier & LAAS-CNRS Laboratory in 2005. In September 2009, he received the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication and Networks from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse within the "Network Engineering and Telecommunications" group of the IRIT-CNRS Laboratory. From 2009 to 2010, he was a Network Research Engineer at TéSA-Association Laboratory (Telecommunications for Space and Aeronautics).

Arnaud ELGER
Lecturer (FSI, D.BioGéo) since 2011 in Environmental sciences
His present research interest at EcoLab is about the impacts of anthropogenic chemical contaminants on plants and ecosystems.
For that purpose, he uses concepts and tools from his initial scientific background in community and functional ecology.
Arnaud focuses on 3 main topics:
- Impacts of multiple environmental stressors (incl. chemical contaminants) on aquatic and terrestrial plants
2. Importance and sources of intraspecific variations in organism response to anthropogenic chemical contaminants
3. Development of new tools (remote sensing, in-situ environmental sensors) to assess landscape and regional-scale chemical contamination and associated environmental risk

Jean-Louis DRUILHE
Engineer in Electronics at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier. Technical assistance for probes and sensors development in environmental conditions.

Full Professor since 2007 at the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, France.
2009-2011: Chairperson of teaching committee of physics-chemistry-automatics Department of the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
Since 2016: Head of Chemistry Teaching Department, University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
- Main research topics on:
- Mechanism of membrane ageing: study of the evolution of the characteristics of porous structure and the choice of a criterion to anticipate an alteration of the integrity of the membrane
- Mass transfer especially selective transmission of contaminants in nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration: study of microbiological safety and of micropollutants contamination themselves related to the integrity of the membrane.
- Author or co-author of 59 publications in international peer-reviewed Journals and 72 peer-reviewed National and International Conference proceedings.
- 7 book chapters
- Number of citations: 1857; h-index: 26
- Supervisor of 8 post doc, 13 PhD.

Since 2002, lecturer at the university of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier in general ecology, aquatic ecology, trophic webs, microbial biofilms, aquatic invertebrate communities, bioindicators and biomarkers. Co-responsible for the mention of the Master of Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution at the university of Toulouse III since 2018. Currently involved in research projects for aquatic ecosystem restoration and trophic web functioning. Author of 26 Peer-reviewed publications and 2 book chapters. https://www.eco.omp.eu/author/evelyne-buffan-dubau/

Claire ALBASI is Senior Scientist of Laboratoire de Génie Chimique (https://lgc.cnrs.fr/), Director of the consortium GIS EAU Toulouse (https://gis-eau-toulouse.fr/) gathering about 500 researchers in the fields of water. With a basic knowledge in process engineering, her main research topic focuses on biological reactors ( MBR, MBBR) for wastewater treatment and all related developments in energy saving and specific applications, with a focus on organic Micropollutants and water reuse for 15 years (SAVE project: https://filiere-save.com/, Transpro https://lgc.cnrs.fr/les-projets/transpro/) . She is the author of 2 patents and 65 papers in referenced international journals. The coordination of several projects TOXEAUBAM (06-09), and PANACEE (10-14) has helped her team to acquire knowledge and competences for bioreactors management, including development for Pharmaceutical pollution treatment at laboratory and industrial scales, (implementation at the University Hospital of Toulouse (CHU Toulouse Purpan) and at the hospital of Arcachon (REMPAR Project). These projects allowed the supervision of about 20 PhD students.

Marion ALLIET is Associate Professor at Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (Toulouse-INP) since 1999 ; She works at Ecole National Supérieur d’Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques (ENSIACET) for teaching and at Laboratoire de Génie Chimique (LGC-UMR CNRS 5503) for research. Since 2006, she makes her research in the department BioSyM (Bioprocesses and Microbial Systems) about wastewater treatments, and especially about their modelling at unit operation scale with knowledge based or statistical models, or at local scale with computer fluid dynamics (CFD). She was co-supervisor for 8 PhD and 2 post-doc; she is co-supervisor at the moment for one PhD. She contributed to 19 international articles, 5 national articles, 54 peers-rewied communications. She was responsible of international relationships for a teaching department for 16 years (2002-2018). After being deputy, she is now the head of the department BioSyM.