Universitat de Girona (UdG)

Founded in 1992, the University of Girona (UdG) is nowadays one of the main economic and cultural drivers in the province of Girona, located in the North East of Catalonia (Spain). UdG is a public institution devoted to excellence in teaching and research and to participating in the progress and development of society through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of knowledge related to sciences, technology, humanities, social sciences and arts. With more than 15,000 students in the last academic term, the institution has 4 university campuses, 12 research institutes, 1 doctorate school and more than 100 research groups linked to 24 departments. In accordance with USNews Best Global Universities Ranking 2019, UdG is currently the fourth best university in Spain in environmental and ecology fields.

The Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (LEQUIA) is a “consolidated research group” recognized by the Catalan Government devoted to the development of eco-innovative environmental solutions. Set up in 1993, LEQUIA also holds TECNIO quality seal, which distinguishes leading experts in applied research and technology transfer in Catalonia. The group is part of the UdG’s Institute of the Environment (IMA) and participates actively in UdG sectorial Campus Water. Currently, it has a team of 37 people, including 8 full-time professors, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students, research technicians and management staff.

Ignasi Rodriguez - Roda
Dr. Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda is full professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Girona. He has published more than 150 papers in SCI journals (Hirsch Index 35 in January 2021), supervised 18 PhDs, and has been involved (as PI and/or partner) in more than 50 public/private R+D+I and transfer of technology projects (both at national and European level), and in several capacitation projects related to water treatment and sanitation in developing countries. He created a spin off (SISLtech) in 2003 and has two patents, one in energy optimization of MBR and another one in osmotic membrane bioreactors.
Among other management positions, he was the project manager of the Campus of Excellence in water and tourism (UdG-UIB-ICRA-CSIC), the scientific coordinator of the UdG Water Campus, an innovative ecosystem that includes companies, administration and research institutions related to water issues. He is the coordinator of the new Water Resources Science & technology MSc, the first master world-wide in the field of water applying problem-based learning. ORCID: 0000-0002-8989-9061

Joaquim Comas
Joaquim Comas Mata is Associate Professor of UdG Department of Chemical Engineering (EQATA) and member of UdG LEQUIA research group. He also leads the Modelling and DSS research line at the Evaluation and Technologies Area of Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA). His research expertise includes: i) development and application of multi-criteria decision support tools for environmental systems, ii) advanced modelling, control and sustainable assessment of urban water systems, iii) membrane technologies (membrane bioreactors, integrated membrane systems, forward osmosis and recycled membranes) for wastewater treatment and water reuse, iv) removal of micropollutants from water, and v) technological and nature-based solutions for circular cities. He has published 148 peer-reviewed papers in SCI journals (h-index 31, source: Scopus), supervised 18 PhD thesis, and has participated in more than 50 RDI and transfer of technology projects, including the coordination of the FP7 SANITAS EU project. Currently, he is the PI of H2020 EdiCitNet project and Spanish (“Retos de la Sociedad”) CLEaN-TOUR project. As for technology transfer, Dr Comas is co-inventor of 2 patents on membrane technologies for water treatment. He was also one of the founders of the technological spin off company SISLtech in 2003, focused on intelligent solutions for waste, wastewater and water management, and is currently involved in the set up of a spinoff company devoted to the recycling of membranes for water treatment. ORCID: 0000-0002-5692-0282

Sebastià Puig
Sebastià Puig Broch is Associate Professor “Serra Húnter” of UdG Department of Chemical Engineering (EQATA) and member of LEQUIA research group. He has recently been awarded with “ICREA Academia 2019” grant. He holds a PhD in Environmental Science (2008). His research focuses on environmental biotechnology in water and air streams. Professor Puig has participated in more than 20 research projects and RD contracts (of which, 5 as principal investigator), and has supervised 3 postdoctoral researchers, 6 doctoral theses (plus 8 ongoing) and 11 master theses. He is author/co-author of 94 peer-reviewed papers in international journals (h-index 32), over 100 conference contributions, and 3 patents on METs. Currently, he is the principal investigator of two H2020 EU projects (BioRECO2VER and ELECTRA), one Swedish (ELECTROSYMBIOSIS), one national project (COOMET) and one industrial EU H2020 project as subcontracted (SCALIBUR), member of the cost action (PHOENIX) and chairman of the European conference EU-ISMET 2021. ORCID: 0000-0003-2995-1443.

Dr. Gaetan Blandin
Gaetan Blandin is post-doctoral La Caixa foundation fellow at the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Girona (UdG), where he is a member of LEQUiA, research group. He joined LEQUIA research group in 2015 working on osmotic membrane bioreactor within the membrane bioreactor research line of LEQUIA thanks to a Tecniospring Marie Curie grant.
His research is dedicated to water processes associated with membrane technologies within the context of circular economy dealing for several applications (desalination, water reuse, nutrients recovery) and topics (process validation and control, fouling and cleaning, module design /process modelling and optimisation, fundamentals of mass transfer). Especially, he is an expert in forward osmosis (FO) which is an emerging membrane technology based on the natural osmotic gradient in-between two streams that allow both for water purification and/or nutrients concentration and which is of particular interest in the context of water in the circular economy.
Research indicators: H index: 17. Total number of citations: 942, total number of publications: 30, 17 as 1st author. 3 publications in high quality open access journals including 3 reviews and 5 book chapters. Publications in Q1 journal: 12 (9 as 1st author). Inventor of 6 international patents (4 in exploitation). Organization of 4 workshops and dissemination activities. ORCID: 0000-0002-0144-1014.

Maria Martín
Dr Maria Martín Sánchez is Tenured University Professor of Chemical Engineering at UdG. Her research interest are focused on the treatment of gaseous effluents for gas purification and odor control, as well as water emerging contaminants, by investigating and developing advanced adsorption/oxidation technologies. Since 2015, Dr. Maria Martín is also the Scientific director of the Technical Research Services (STR) of the University of Girona. Dr Martín has participated in several R&D and technology transfer projects, and published 44 research articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as Environmental Science & Technology, Carbon, Chemical engineering journal or Journal of Hazardous Materials (h-index: 20 ). ORCID number: 0000-0003-2917-5691.

Begoña Serra
Begoña Serra has developed her career mainly in international public administration. She started working at the University of Girona over 10 years ago as a project manager of an institutional cross-border project with France.
Currently, she is a Grant Manager at the Office for Research and Technology Transfer, where she is advises on cooperation projects financed by the Erasmus+ Programme. She holds a M.A in European Studies by the University of Amsterdam and a Master's degree in Specialised Translation by the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC).

Coco González Pi
Master in Cooperation and Development and ALE Triple degree in Translation, Economics and Law. Polyglot - 7 languages - and logistics expert. A true globetrotter and passionate in development projects, Coco has operated in over 60 countries worldwide - in EU, Asia, Latin America + Africa - both as a volunteer/activist, and as Project Manager and International NGO Representative.
She has managed international projects in collaboration with HEIs, Gouvernments, NGOs and Associations, funded by UE, ACCD, AECID, PNUD, UNESCO... and has a wide experience in all the stages of international development programs, from research and planning to implementation and evaluation.