Fundació Solidaritat Universitat de Barcelona (FSUB)

The UB Solidarity Foundation (staff: 20 employees) is a foundation part of the University of Barcelona Group (UB Group). FSUB launches, supports and implements a wide range of projects broadening and strengthening development cooperation initiatives, especially in the area of interuniversity relations and focuses its activity on: Social action, consulting and technical assistance for local and regional administrations, institutions and NGOs, in relation to studies on cooperation and development, cooperation and development policies, the design of bases of calls, the ex- ante and ex-post evaluations of projects. Cooperation for development in the fields of agriculture and rural development, capacity building, environmental protection, water management. Sustainable development. One of the main programs if this area is the WATER and ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME. FSUB through its water and environment program aims to contribute to the sustainable water management promotion and has an active role in boosting and implementing projects on the use of non-conventional resources, water quality improvement, saving water in agriculture and nature based technologies at international level, including developing countries. The implemented projects focus on several goals: to promote sustainable solutions for the management of water, to promote scientific exchange and collaboration and capacity building and awareness on Water-Hygiene- Sanitation and technologies for water treatment.

Antonina Torrens Armengol
Dr. Antonina Torrens Armengol (female) is coordinator of WASH (Water Hygiene and Sanitation) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for sustainable development programs at the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (FSUB), member of HIDROSEC (Sanitary,
Cooperation and Economic Hydrology) research group of the University of Barcelona (UB) and associated professor at the Biology, Healthcare and Environment department, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences (UB). She has a Bachelor in Pharmacy and a PhD in Environmental Science and Technology for the UB (in collaboration with INRAE-France).
Her main research expertise is in the field of natural technologies for sustainable water management, water quality and water reuse. Since 1999 until now, she has been working as a contracted researcher within numerous European projects. She has published numerous papers in SCI journals and has been involved in more than 30 public/private R+D+I and transfer of technology projects. She has been involved in numerous cooperation projects related to WASH and NBS for sustainable water management in Africa (Senegal, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Egypt), Asia (Vietnam, India) and America (Costa Rica, Bolivia, Argentina).

Cati Jerez Paredero
Cati Jerez (female). Graduate in Sociology (1996) and Political Science (1998). She has studied postgraduate courses in international relations, international consultancy and mediation. Currently, is in charge of the Refugee Support Program from the University of Barcelona coordinated by the University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation. The Refugee Support Program develops four lines of action (internal incidence, external incidence, raising awareness and international cooperation) and has one of the most innovative and complete projects of terms of access of refugee to the HE in Spain, the transition course to the university that is cofounded by the University of Barcelona and the Barcelona City Council. Since the launch of the Program in September 2015, coordinates a team that has achieved to organize the internal structure of the University (more than 15 Faculties, departments and units engaged with the project) and the external relations (with different public administrations: municipalities, supramunicipal administrations, autonomous government and with refugee specialized NGO). She has been also the responsible from the University of Barcelona of RESCUE (Capacity Building Erasmus+ project) and InHere (Strategic Partnership Erasmus+) and nowadays is responsible for UB CHARM-EU Inclusivity chart and coordinator at the UB level of the UniDIversity project.

Xavier López Arnabat
Xavier López Arnabat (male) is director of the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (FSUB) and Director of the NGO Foundation Mon-3 First vice-president of the Catalan federation of NGOs. He has a Bachelor in Geography. He is also professor of the Master in Globalization, Development and Cooperation of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona and delegated member of the advisory council of the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Universidad Javeriana de Calí (Colombia) in representation of the University of Barcelona. His main research competences are in the field of designing social action strategies in relation to the territory, especially regarding the establishment of productive agricultural spaces in urban, periurban and rural environments. Since 1986 he has participated in numerous cooperation projects related to the maintenance of ecosystems in urban and periurban environments and the design of productive farms for social inclusion, especially in Africa and Latin America. He is participating in Erasmus Plus CBHE projects related to water management in Africa (Marema) and in Asia (Wanasea)