APC members description : Ramboll
Introducing blue-green infrastructure
The project impact hence intends to be promoting sustainable, inclusive, and more balanced tourism development, increasing the competitiveness in the GMS region, and Ramboll is addressing the need for climate resiliency by introducing blue-green infrastructure concepts.
The project has three overall focus points:
- Strengthen institutional effectiveness through improving staff capacity in critical areas, incl. improved urban service delivery, O&M of urban facilities and supporting the establishment of urban service units
- Enhance the institutional effectiveness with a focus on private sector engagement and information and communication technology (ICT)-based public management systems, and the policy and planning environment for regional economic connectivity
- Improve institutional effectiveness to provide sustainable services and support an improved policy and planning environment for urban environmental infrastructure management
Ramboll is welcome to the Academic and Professional Committee, the person in charge is Pau Prat Busquets (Project Manager), based in Phnom Penh and responsible for the Ramboll projects in Cambodia and Laos.
In Cambodia, Ramboll is implementing:
- TS2&CTDP 4 (ADB financed) which includes separate sewer systems, drainage, wastewater treatment plants and landfills in Battambang, Serei Saophoan and Stueng Seng (TS2); and Kampong Cham, Kratie and Strung Treng (CTDP4). The project also includes other components such safeguards (resettlement, social, gender and environmental), capacity building and financial sustainability. For more information check TS2 and CTDP4.
- Provincial Project (ADB financed), which also includes separate sewer systems, drainage and wastewater treatment plant in Battambang, D&B trenchless trunk sewer in Seam Reap and improved on-site sanitation in Kampong Cham. Notice this projects has two components, water supply and sanitation, we are only implementing the sanitation part. More information here
- Battambang – Smart Solid Waste Financial Management project, this is actually a task order under a bigger ADB financed project, Smart Cities Project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 619225-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
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