Scholarships for 2022 to Environmental Engineering and Management Program

One of our INOWASIA partners the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is calling for applicants for master’s and doctoral programs for August 2022 intake with a full scholarship. 

To ensure sufficient time for visa processing, we recommend that applications reach AIT by 28 February 2022. 

To complete their online application:

Environmental Engineering and Management Program is part of the School of Environment, Resources and Development. The overall program looks for solutions to environmental problems, water supply and sanitation, wastewater treatment and disposal systems, air pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, waste minimisation, and life cycle assessment, environmental impact assessment and management.

The two major focal areas are:

1. Environmental Technology and Management

This area of specialisation takes a system approach to managing the environment and includes the interrelated roles of industry and government agencies. Environmental engineers and scientists enrolled in this field, study the environmental impacts of development projects. The reckless exploitation of natural resources in developing countries has been at the cost of severe environmental pollution and subsequent degradation. Understanding and management of air, water and land resource deterioration requires that a wide range of disciplinary perspectives are included in the curriculum. Research is focused on water quality assessment and management, environmental impact assessment, solid waste treatment and management, air-pollution modelling, monitoring and control techniques and industrial pollution control and monitoring.

Air pollution control and management is an area of specialisation within this program. Courses cover the fundamentals of air pollution, air pollution modelling and applications and designing air pollution control systems.

Application oriented research in air pollution engineering and management is conducted. Both dispersion and receptor modeling tools are employed to better understand the complexity of the local and regional air pollution problems. The cause-effect relationship of air pollution is also investigated through monitoring source emissions and ambient air quality as well as the exposure study.

2. Water and Wastewater Engineering

For engineers specialising in planning, design, operation and management of water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Including water supply and sewerage system engineering, water quality management, water and wastewater treatment systems, groundwater contamination, waste recycling and resource recovery. Research is focused on conventional physico-chemical and biological treatment processes, hazardous industrial waste treatment technologies, industrial bio-process techniques applied to environmental engineering, advanced water and wastewater treatment, ozonation, membrane techniques, and sludge treatment and management.

For more information about international students and available scholarships, please browse:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 619225-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

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